After a long debate with myself, I finally decided to drop China from my itinerary. I will still make a few days stop in Hong Kong but that’s it. The reason is that I’m taking much longer than expected in Southeast Asia which is really a great place to travel around.
In my original plan I only intended to stay two weeks in Laos and two weeks in Cambodia. I quickly realized this was stupidly short. Another thing is that I really found my rhythm while traveling and two weeks in each of these countries would have been going too fast.
I just left Laos after spending four weeks there and will spend three weeks in Cambodia as well as in Vietnam. The change also includes a new stop in Indonesia to visit my parents, rest a little and do some diving around Bali.
Having a completely open and flexible plan really saved the situation. I couldn’t recommend enough traveling without long advanced bookings and always having an open mind about changing your itinerary.
On another note, I must confess I’ve been a bit lazy these past weeks when it comes to writing posts. Expect more posts about Laos in the next days.