About me

About me

Having grew up around the world I guess the travel bug bit me early! My parents were expats and we used to switch country every few years. At 18 I had already lived in five! I studied in two others and I don't plan to stop living in new ones anytime soon.

In daily life I'm a programmer and co-founder at Digicoop.io and you can find me blogging about programming stuff on my tech blog.

My travels were mostly the classical one or two weeks holiday or the weekend away for European destinations. Like everybody, TV shows about traveling, photo books about remote places and all those beautiful pictures of our planet made me dream of visiting these places.

In 2013 I decided to act on it and started a round-the-world trip. The adventure lasted for almost 2 years before going back to my home country. I now travel as often as I can and plan to go back on the road as soon as possible.

My first real backpacking trip was in Europe not that long ago and I really enjoyed it. It's a very free (as in freedom) way of traveling with few constraints and the possibility to change your plan whenever you want. You also meet a LOT of people while traveling this way.

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