Not far from La Paz exists an infamous road which killed hundreds of people before being replaced by a brand new one. People are still driving like maniacs on the latter but at least there are two lanes and a fence between the road and the hundred meters drop!
“El Camino de la Muerte” (officially known as Yungas Road) is still in use but nowadays its biggest users are the thrill seeking tourists from all around the world who are coming to cycle it down. The 60km road starts from La Cumbre at 4700m and goes down 3600m to Yolosa where a shower awaits for you.
The first part of the descent is done on the new road until we reached the start of the proper Death Road. Good fun follows as we spend three hours going down as fast as we can. Breaking is actually necessary in some corners and I learned my lesson on this one ;)
The landscape is beautiful and, frankly, if you’ve done a bit of biking before, there is nothing to be scared about. The only strong recommendation is to get a reputable company as most accidents happen due to loss of breaks!
As soon as I’ve heard about this road, I knew I had to do it. It’s definitely the best thing to do in La Paz!