Tips To Visit Paris From a Parisian
I'm often surprised when I hear about the bad experiences fellow travelers had in Paris. Here is some advice from a parisian. Paris is a beautiful city (some may say it's like an open air museum) and there are things to see at every corner. The best way to visit it is to walk! I know I'm repeating myself with the walking advice but it has never been as true as this time. To go quicker... read more »
Posted: 03/10/2013 France
Being In Paris As a Backpacker
As I was stopping in Paris for a few days I thought it would be a cool idea to try an hostel in the City of Light. Having slept in countless hostels abroad, I wanted to see what it was like for foreigners in France's capital where I've lived a few years. Let me tell you I was pleasantly surprised. I stayed at [The Loft](http://theloft-paris.com/), a "boutique hostel & hotel", located ne... read more »
Visited: September 2013 Posted: 30/09/2013 France
Tutankhamun exhibition in Paris
A few weeks ago I visited the Tutankhamun exhibition that was help in Paris (*Toutankhamon* in French). I've always been fascinated by Ancient Egypt and this event was the perfect place to learn more about the only perfectly preserved tomb ever found. read more »
Posted: 24/09/2012 France
Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2012
This weekend was the European Heritage Days 2012 (*Journées Européennes du Patrimoine* in French) and I took this opportunity to visit the studio of France Télévisions (state tv - like BBC in the UK) and the National Assembly (*Assemblée Nationale* in French). As always with such events, the queues were terribly long: 5h30 at FranceTV and 2h30 at the Assembly! Fortunately, both were worth the ... read more »
Posted: 16/09/2012 France
Feeling the Gs
Short video clip of the best moments of my 20 minutes flight in a **jetfighter**! This was something I wanted to do for years and when I saw a Groupon offer from a company near Paris, I finally caved and bought a ticket. The plane was an [L-39 Albatros](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aero_L-39_Albatros).  It was awesome but not as impr... read more »
Posted: 02/08/2012 France
You're About to Jump Out a Perfectly Good Airplane Jonny, How Do You Feel About That?
As a teenager, I had the incredible luck to experience skydiving through a tandem jump and I have dreamed to jump on my own ever since. It took some time to convince myself I could do it (as well as to find enough time and money) but last year I was finally ready! One year later, after convincing three friends to do it with me, some planning and a lot of video watching, we took the train to... read more »
Posted: 18/05/2012 France